If you are a shop owner who has 2-3 staffs selling in your shops, you probably find it is difficult to motivate them to be active in selling. Furthermore, some of your staffs is selling better than the other and the problem is that you don’t know which one sell what in order to reward or encourage them.
Hangpopok has a solution for you.
Have you ever thought about giving up a small amount of your profit to your staffs to trigger sales? Most of Hangpopok’s clients has apply this method and been successful as their sales has gone up at least 10%. Instead of letting them sitting there relax, playing on their phone and answering only whenever you or customer ask, we motivate them by providing them 2-3% commission on what they sales. They will suddenly be more energetic, welcome the customers when they walk-in your shop. They even compete with each other to serve customers better. That is the real situation happened at our client’s shop.
So how can we know how many products each of them has sold in one month? With Hangpopok, we can resolve this issue for you. We provide you different account for different seller. As the owner, You can check the number of products sold by each seller whenever and wherever you want. Based on these number, you can evaluate the productiveness of your staffs to provide appropriate incentives to encourage them.

How to increase your profit with Hangpopok? Click here